29 Oct Lonhro x She’s a Vamp update from Trainer Anthony Freedman 29 Oct 2019
“Lonhro x She’s a Vamp had a jumped out this morning at pinecliffs, he handle that all pretty well he got it right when he needed to jump. He show reasonable abilities through the jump out, he’s not ready yet , he is a big leggy horse who is gonna be hugely benefited from a break, so I will organise to give him a 6-8 weeks out and I think he will be really well suited to the autumn races when they get to 1400m.”
Lonhro x She’s A Vamp 今早晨操做了跳閘訓練, 出閘反應理想, 顯示出牠有相當足夠的實力。 牠還是需要長一點時間成熟, 所以我將按排牠放養6-8週,我相信牠將在秋天裡由1400米賽事開始,相信會有良好的表現。
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