10 Dec Christmas comes early for ACJC
Christmas comes early for ACJC. First cheque from the prize money earned by Siren Rock running 2nd at his first start at Kyneton arrived today. The 10% ownership in Siren Rock was gifted to us by our Corporate Member, Musk Creek Farm & Dealcorp as part of their sponsorship to the Club. The prize money earned by Siren Rock will go towards Members benefits – hopefully first of the many cheques to come. Big thanks to Musk Creek Farm & Dealcorp.
ACJC 的聖誕節禮物提早來臨!我們今天收到了澳華賽馬會旗下賽駒 Siren Rock 為本會贏得的第一張獎金支票。Siren Rock 於其職業生涯的第一場賽事中便發揮出超水準,獲得第二名。本會企業會員Dealcorp和Musk Creek Farm 以贈予澳華賽馬會 Siren Rock 10%的擁有權為對本會的贊助。而收到的獎金將會用於會員福利上,希望以後獎金支票源源不絕。我們在此衷心感謝Dealcorp 和 Musk Creek Farm.
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