20 Sep ACJC Spring Charity Lunch
On 20th September 2022, after more than 2 years hiatus, Australian Chinese Jockey Club resumed their annual Spring Charity Lunch. About 100 ACJC members and friends gathered at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club to raise funds for the Equine Pathways Australia and listen to the very inspiring story of injured ex-jump jockey Leigh Woodgate on her tireless efforts to get back on horseback since her near-death accident some 28 years ago.
Leigh Woodgate Australian Story link –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIB2P_AU67U&t=2s
ACJC Chairperson Teresa Poon said, “Having to start again after almost 3 years of absence, it’s not without challenges. Today, we have a reduced attendance of just under 100 people and will raise a modest amount of donation. It is the support of each and everyone of you here that I have to thank, in particular our table sponsors, Melbourne Racing Club – the MRC Foundation, the Moonee Valley Racing Club, the Hong Kong Australian Business Association, IM/INP, Musk Creek Farm, along with our Corporate Members, Racing Victoria, Carrazzo Consulting – We are counting on everyone’s continued support to rebuild and grow it to an even bigger event.
During lockdown, we may have lost our sense of empathy and sometimes, this feeling of “I can’t be bothered”. I hope by listening to Leigh’s story, we can regain a bit of kindness that we all have in us and on days we “can’t be bothered”, the story of Leigh will give us strength to try a little bit harder.”
We were blessed with glorious weather on the day, all guests enjoyed the opportunity to reconnect over some delicious food and friendship.
ACJC 慈善午宴
大約 100 名 ACJC會員及朋友們聚集在 Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club,為 Equine Pathways Australia 籌款,並有演講嘉賓障礙賽騎師 Leigh Woodgate 的勵志故事,Leigh 於28年前一場賽事中遇上嚴重意外,昏迷17天全身幾乎每一根骨頭骨折的傷患到完全康復, 再次成為騎師的心路歷程。
Leigh Woodgate Australian Story 鏈接 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIB2P_AU67U&t=2s
ACJC 主席Teresa Poon道:“困難和挫折也許是有好處的,這是一種鍛鍊,這是推動我們繼續前進的動力。像今天出席人數減少了不到 100 人,籌集的捐款亦比以往少。我依然要感謝在座的每一位,特別是我們的企業贊助商 – Melbourne Racing Club 基金會,Moonee Valley賽馬會,香港澳洲商會,IM/INP,Musk Creek Farm ,以及我們的企業會員、Racing Victoria、Carrazzo Consulting。 我們期待你們繼續支持,讓我們可以重新再建立更大的活動。
在封城期間,或許很多人可能失去了同理心,有種“不想做… 懒得做…” 的感覺。希望通過Leigh的故事,我們可以重拾一點心中的善良,在我們“不想做… 懒得做…”的日子裡,Leigh 的故事會給予我們力量,讓我們能多付出一點。”
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